Managing Christmas Stress With Chronic Illness Dec 06, 2023

It's 3 a.m., and here I am, wide awake. The calendar says it's less than three weeks until Christmas. My mind races with a never-ending to-do list.


Andrew (my partner) is away, working on our new country block. Things there are a bit off track, adding an extra layer of stress to our...

How Can You Use Your Mindset to Overcome Chronic Illness Hurdles? Nov 30, 2023

Glad you asked! Overcoming the hurdles of chronic illness might seem daunting, but it can actually be as easy as 1, 2, 3! Let me share how.


My journey with MS first showed me the way, and now, facing stage 4 breast cancer, it has only confirmed the truth in these mindset insights....

Did you know that Hurdle2Hope® is more than a name? Nov 14, 2023

Hurdle2Hope® is not a catchphrase, and it’s definitely not a superficial brand. Instead, as I’ve begun to appreciate even more this past year, Hurdle2Hope® is my lifeline—and it is my hope that it can become yours as well.


You see, Hurdle2Hope® is about laying...

Discovering Hope After a Chronic Illness Diagnosis Nov 01, 2023


It’s inevitable. Some days, when you're living with a chronic illness, you just feel a bit “blah”.

Today was one of those days for me. Feeling a bit worn out after a string of challenging days. It started with my six-monthly MS infusions and then a trip to the surgeon to...

Create a Positive Patient Experience in 3 Steps Oct 25, 2023

In living with a chronic illness, lying in a hospital bed becomes an all-too-familiar scenario.


The good news is that embracing a healing mindset can significantly transform the three stages of a patient's hospital experience: preparation, during treatment or surgery, and post-treatment...

Healing Starts with an Open Mind Oct 19, 2023

Are you sitting at home, trying to make sense of a new diagnosis? Or perhaps lying on the couch, drained, wondering how to reclaim the energy and zest in your life after dealing with your own chronic illness for weeks, months or years?


I could tell you that to truly heal, you need to focus...

A Healing Mindset More Than Physical Experiences Oct 11, 2023

Recently, I opened a window to a time when I was a vulnerable 25-year-old, confined to a bed, unable to even wriggle my toes. Paralysed, not just physically, but emotionally as well.


I often catch myself thinking, if only someone had whispered: “Where thoughts go, energy...

Beginning My Healing Mindset Journey Sep 28, 2023

I've had an "aha" moment this week, all based on this one phrase.


I've heard it countless times. It's a principle I've applied to my personal life, yet I recognised a slight misalignment in my Hurdle2Hope messages.


Where thoughts go, energy flows.


Directing My Energy for...

Making Empowering Decisions with Chronic Illness Sep 21, 2023

Engulfed in a dream so vivid, I found myself running for my life in a dense rainforest. A man, brandishing a machete, pursued me with a singular focus on my breasts.


Gasping for air, I woke up, relieved to realise my breasts were intact. But then came the jarring realisation: the tumour in...

The Power of Language in Chronic Illness Sep 14, 2023

Every word we utter. Every phrase we choose to convey our feelings, comes with an inherent energy.


Words can lift our spirits when we're down. Or further sink us when we're already struggling.


They can rally us, giving us the strength to push forward. Or they can weigh us down,...

This One Thing Could Transform Your Life With Chronic Illness Sep 07, 2023

What is the most important ingredient in living well with chronic illness?

Your mindset.

I know this to be true. MS and breast cancer are two completely different diseases. Yet they have one thing in common. My mindset.

I spent 25 years learning how to use my mindset to live well with MS. When...

The Authentic Mindset: Debunking Chronic Illness Positivity Myths Aug 23, 2023

 I still vividly remember those long weeks in the hospital bed.


An aggressive MS relapse had taken an immense toll on my body, leaving me paralysed. Day in and day out, I'd focus all my energy, trying to wriggle my toes, hoping to see even the slightest movement.


But nothing...

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