How to thrive when your plans are disrupted by chronic illness. Feb 27, 2023

I’ll let you in on a secret.

This year, 2023 was to be the year I launched the Hurdle2Hope podcast.

I was so excited. This was the perfect platform for me. I completed a creating podcast online course. Equipment purchased, systems setup, episodes planned. I was ready to hit record.



Three steps to protect your physical health from chronic illness trauma Feb 21, 2023

I can hardly speak. Literally. This has been a new challenge entirely off my radar. But as you’ll learn, what it has demonstrated is that…

Living with chronic illness is traumatic.

It is essential that you pause and acknowledge that. Your physical health relies on this validation.


How To Survive Valentine’s Day When Living With A Chronic Illness Feb 14, 2023

Valentine’s Day. Love it. Hate it. Or indifferent. For some reason, it’s a day that stirs up emotions.


And in living with a chronic illness we’re not immune to these feelings. Our illness may at times intensify these emotions.

Do any of these scenarios resonate with you...

Why Creating Dreams Is Essential For Your Wellbeing In Living With Chronic Illness Feb 07, 2023

"Dream big, because what if it comes true.”

Don’t you love it when some inspiration pops up in your YouTube feed? It’s a quote from Pink’s Icon Award acceptance speech.

You might be thinking, “Fine for Pink to dream big but I’m living with chronic...

What Stage 4 Breast Cancer Has Taught Me Jan 30, 2023

The moment my life changed forever

It was a Friday night. I was really tired. But thought I’d have a shower before bed. I remember taking my bra off thinking my breast was a bit sore. The wire had left a mark under my armpit.

Then in the shower, I felt a lump. I kept feeling it. Put more...

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