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Meet the Host Teisha Rose

wellbeing interrupted Jan 13, 2024




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Discover more about Teisha Rose, the host of 'Wellbeing Interrupted.' 

 Living with multiple sclerosis for over 25 years and now facing stage 4 breast cancer, Teisha embodies resilience and the transformative power of mindset shifts after a life-altering diagnosis.

In this brief 8-minute introduction, she shares her story and her passion for showing how mindset can deeply influence your journey with illness. Gain insight into Teisha’s experiences and learn why she’s dedicated to helping you thrive in the face of health challenges.

Tune in for an engaging prelude to a series committed to transforming the experience of living with a life-changing illness.

In this introduction I referred to Episode 1... it will be LIVE 16 January 2024

Always remember to thrive after a life-changing diagnosis... Your Mindset is Everything!