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Did you know that Hurdle2Hope® is more than a name?

Nov 14, 2023
Chronic Illness Hope

Hurdle2Hope® is not a catchphrase, and it’s definitely not a superficial brand. Instead, as I’ve begun to appreciate even more this past year, Hurdle2Hope® is my lifeline—and it is my hope that it can become yours as well.


You see, Hurdle2Hope® is about laying out a clear strategy and providing you with the tools you need. It’s about giving you a roadmap—your very own. And I know all too well how vital that is when you're feeling lost, stressed, or in the dark, trying to figure out how to keep moving.


What is Hurdle2Hope®?

Hurdle2Hope® isn't just a concept; it's the very framework that I've built and lived. When multiple sclerosis became a part of my life, I began charting a path that would later become this roadmap. I shared my journey in "Life Interrupted: My Journey from Hurdle to Hope," not just as a memoir, but as a guide that could help others navigate similar paths.


And when faced with stage 4 breast cancer, I didn't just rely on Hurdle2Hope®; I embraced it fully. It stood as a testament that my approach wasn't only about getting by—it was about moving forward with purpose and strength.


Mindset in living with chronic illness

Your mindset is everything—it's your secret ingredient. This isn't about forcing a grin and pretending everything's okay. It's about engaging your mind, honing your mental toolkit, and being ready to change course whenever necessary.


Hope isn't about sitting back; it's the most proactive choice you make each day. It's about pushing your boundaries, staying adaptable, and being ready to pivot in an instant.



The Hurdle2Hope® Roadmap in Action


Did you know healing can start the moment you're diagnosed, or when you're up against a new hurdle? That's the power of the Hurdle2Hope® Roadmap. It's designed to ignite a healing mindset right from the start.



Harnessing Your Strength: This isn't about struggling harder or overcoming in the traditional sense. It's about navigating stressful moments with care for your emotional and mental health at the forefront. It's a constant reminder that your identity extends far beyond your illness. You possess a well of strength; the goal is to cultivate an environment where you can access and utilise this strength effectively.


Regaining Your Power: Let's face it: Living with a chronic illness can be infuriating. It touches every corner of your life, often feeling like a heavy, unfair burden. But here's the crucial question – who's in charge of your life? Are you going to let that frustration keep you Or are you ready to take control back? It's about being clear on what truly matters to you, and making sure every part of your life is in alignment with that.


Building Your Resilience: Yes, a chronic illness diagnosis is a life-changer. That's undeniable. Yet, it's not the end of evolution or your growth. In fact it necessitates it.  It's about realising that hope comes from within and that it’s time to prioritise yourself. It's time to challenge how you've always thought about your illness and your life—this is how true resilience is built.


Do you believe in leaving a legacy?


Since my diagnosis with stage 4 breast cancer, the idea has taken on a whole new meaning for me. I plan to be here for a long time. However, I now see the power in sharing all that I have learned about using my mindset to navigate through chronic illness.


I'm not just tossing out random advice or ad-hoc stories to inspire you—though I have plenty. I want more for you. I want you to find ways to light up the darker moments. To replace fear with confidence and to open doors to possibilities that right now might seem out of reach.


This is the essence of my legacy: The Hurdle2Hope® Roadmap. It's not only my journey distilled into actionable steps, but also a guide for you to weave these strategies into the fabric of your own life.



Step into the Healing Mindset Online Experience


Welcome to where Hurdle2Hope® becomes an active journey. It doesn’t matter if you’re at the starting line of your diagnosis or years down the path—this is where you ignite your healing mindset. This experience is about harnessing your innate strength, taking back your power, and encouraging your evolution and growth. 


The good news is you can start rewriting your story today. This journey isn’t about just getting by; it's about implementing lasting changes. You’ll adopt a mindset geared not toward battling an illness but toward nurturing wellness. Each module is a step toward actively transforming your daily experience, anchoring you in a future filled with hope and fortified by resilience.


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