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5 Tips to Embrace Life with Chronic Illness

May 09, 2023
You can still embrace life with chronic illness

Have you ever had an experience that makes you look at life from a different perspective? With a new clarity. That crystallises what is important. What life is all about?

I have. And it isn’t my story of being diagnosed with a life-changing illness. Instead, it was the unexpected impact of Edinburgh. Or, more specifically, the Edinburgh Castle.


The year 2000 had been a nightmare. Months in hospital and rehab trying to overcome an aggressive relapse. Initially bed bound and paralysed. Physically unable to even wriggle my toes. Emotionally petrified that I would require high-level care for the rest of my life.

As I slowly regained my mobility and took my first steps out of my wheelchair, I became more determined than ever to keep moving forward.


My future with MS was a massive unknown. But if I was to regain functioning, I wanted to reclaim my 20s. For me, that was immersing myself in the freedom of travel. I wanted to experience new cultures, meet new people, and be surrounded by new beauty.

Most of all I was driven to create new memories, so when I looked back on my life, I wanted my experience of ill health to be overshadowed by new stories that were filled with happiness and excitement.


What I hadn’t been prepared for was that the beautiful city of Edinburgh would be where my healing journey would really begin.

My plan was to travel to London, almost the right of passage for many young Australians. But my legs struggled with the Tube and crowds. How could I curse MS, though, as my illness took me on a working holiday in the beautiful city of Edinburgh?

Walking around this Old Town Edinburgh, I was surrounded by history. I looked at the Edinburgh Castle every day and realised how my life, my battles were such a tiny blip in time. Everyone through history had their own hurdles, and MS just happened to be mine.

I was reminded that life was short, and from that moment, I decided I didn’t want to waste mine tormented by this disease.  MS was the card I had been dealt, but it didn’t mean that I couldn’t experience joy. Nor that I had to be banished by a life void of meaning.


My decision to embrace life with chronic illness

I decided to embrace my life.  And I have never wavered on this outlook. This has created some incredible experiences in my life. From volunteering in Romania, becoming a social worker, unexpectedly meeting my life partner, and even writing a book.


But it has also prepared me for another massive challenge stage 4 breast cancer. Being diagnosed with what is considered to be a terminal illness, provides even more clarity and perspective. There is no escaping the fragility of life. Yet is also provides even more motivation to seize opportunities to embrace life and feel alive.


Embracing life with chronic illness is difficult.

Absolutely. Sometimes you want to hide from life. It’s difficult, and seizing opportunities is the last thing you want to do.

If you are feeling despondent and questioning what’s the point. Are worried that life will never be filled with moments of light and happiness again I encourage you to keep reading. 


5 Tips to Embrace Life with Chronic Illness

So how can you, while living with chronic illness, embrace life and create moments where you feel truly alive?

Here are my five tips:


1. Acknowledge the fragility of life and use it as motivation to live fully and passionately.

When you recognise that life is short and unpredictable, use this awareness to motivate you to pursue activities, hobbies, and relationships that bring you joy and satisfaction. Let your challenges propel you forward, not hold you back.

What's something you're super passionate about that you could still pursue or be part of, even with your chronic illness?


2. Be open to new experiences and opportunities, even if they seem challenging or intimidating.

Sometimes, the most meaningful memories are created when we step outside our comfort zone. Embrace the possibility of growth and happiness that lies within new experiences, and you may just find unexpected healing and strength.

What's one way you could step out of your comfort zone this month and try something new or different? 


3. Focus on activities that bring joy, excitement, and meaning to your life.

Prioritise experiences that make you happy and contribute to your personal growth. Whether it's spending time in nature, picking up a new hobby, or connecting with like-minded individuals, these moments will enrich your life and create lasting memories.

What are the things that make you really happy or fulfilled? How can you make more time for them in your daily life? 


4. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people who encourage you to embrace life.

Cultivate relationships with friends, family members, and healthcare professionals who understand your journey and uplift your spirits. You want to surround yourself with people who energise and motivate you, making you feel more optimistic about life.

❓Who are the people in your life that uplift and energise you, and how can you spend more time with them? 


5. Recognise and celebrate your progress and achievements, no matter how small they may seem.

Acknowledge your accomplishments, whether it's completing a difficult task, improving your physical abilities, or reaching a personal milestone. Celebrating your successes will help build your resilience and become excited about what is possible.

What's a recent win or milestone you've reached that deserves a little celebration? How can it inspire you to keep going?


Final thoughts 


Living with a chronic illness is challenging, but it doesn't have to define your life.

By embracing life and seizing opportunities, you can create a fulfilling and joyful existence filled with new experiences, personal growth, and cherished memories. Remember, it's not the cards you're dealt, but how you play the hand that truly matters.


Start embracing life today by:

  1. Acknowledging the fragility of life and use it as motivation to live fully and passionately.
  2. Being open to new experiences and opportunities, even if they seem challenging or intimidating.
  3. Focusing on activities that bring joy, excitement, and meaning to your life.
  4. Surrounding yourself with positive and supportive people who encourage you to embrace life.
  5. Recognising and celebrating your progress and achievements, no matter how small they may seem.